Monday, November 14, 2011

Lipstick and Highheels.....Mosaic Monday!

God has blessed me with such two beautiful little granddaughters that just ROCK my world.
No matter what I try to teach them, it always comes back to me for I have these two to remind me what I say. This pair keeps me on my toes, and I don't mean high heels...LOL.

At a very early age, they were drawn to high heel shoes and lipstick! So I tell them although their beauty on the outside is awesome that it is equally important to have beauty on the inside. They find an interest in all of the Princess stories. They LOVE being the Princess, so when one is in a bad mood, I say, "Oh, so you decided to be the bad witch today." Which gets them to thinking that they really don't have to be ugly to anyone if they are having a bad moment. It seems to help them work through their mood for they DON'T want to be the bad witch. It gives us a chance to talk about what is really bothering them.

This is Leila. She is now 6 years old. She loves the theater, acting, dancing, and getting her flowers after her performances. Her favorite color is pink.

This is Victoria. She is now 9 years old. She loves dancing, acting, drawing, and eating ice cream. Her favorite color use to be purple, but now it is blue. She is a wonderful big sister to Leila.

These two are inseparable! They really try to work out their differences and make the BEST out of every day! They are BEST FRIENDS!

There they are.....the LIGHTS of my life.

I am joining Roberta for Mosaic Monday!

My child, hold on to your wisdom and insight. Never let them get away from you.
Proverbs 3:21

Photos taken by Brenda Stevens

1 comment:

  1. You are one blessed lady! Adorable little girls. I love how they just sparkle and shine! You certainly have a way with your mosaic's..Very nice! I like the bad witch concept. I will use that on myself..Lol! Thank you for sharing! Roberta
